

In order to install a development version of the service, you need to have a Linux or Mac OS machine and install docker and docker-compose.

On Linux you can use your OS level package manager to install them.

On Mac OS you need to install Docker for Mac. Docker Toolbox or docker-machine based setups aren’t supported by the documentation and Makefile.


We use docker to run additional development dependencies like Redis and MySQL with the exact versions we want to test against.

We assume that you can run docker and docker-compose on your command line. Test this via:

docker --version
docker-compose --version


In order to run the code you need to have Python 2.6, 2.7 or 3.5 installed on your system. The default Makefile also assumes a virtualenv command is globally available. If this isn’t true for your system, please create a virtualenv manually inside the ichnaea folder before continuing (/path/to/virtualenv --python=python2.6 .).

In the next step you are going to install a good number of Python libraries, which depend on various OS level C libraries. These C libraries are best installed via the OS level package management system. We list the CentOS/Redhat names, but they should be similar on other OS.

Runtime requirements:

openssl, python, libmaxminddb, libffi, atlas-sse3, geos, spatialindex-devel

Build requirements:

openssl-devel, gcc, gcc-c++, gcc-gfortran, make, python, python-pip,
python-virtualenv, git, libmaxminddb, libffi-devel, atlas-devel,
geos-devel, spatialindex-devel


Now run the following command to get the code:

git clone
cd ichnaea

Then run make, which is going to take quite a while the first time:


Now you can run the web app for example on port 7001:

ICHNAEA_CFG=location.ini bin/gunicorn -b \
    -c python:ichnaea.webapp.settings

The celery processes are started via:

ICHNAEA_CFG=location.ini bin/celery -A beat

ICHNAEA_CFG=location.ini bin/celery -A worker \
    -Ofair --no-execv --without-mingle --without-gossip


In order to create and test the documentation locally run:

make docs

The documentation will be available in docs/build/html/index.html.

Python Dependencies

The project uses to track whether or not the Python dependencies are outdated.

If they are, update the version pins in the various requirements/*.txt files and rerun make, make docs or make test, depending on which requirements have changed.

CSS / JS / Images

The project depends on a number of external web assets. Those dependencies are tracked via npm and bower in files under docker/node.

In order to install them, run:

make css
make js

This will install build tools and bower assets inside a docker container. It will also copy, compile and minify files in various folders under ichnaea/content/static/.

To check if the external assets are outdated run:

docker run --rm -it mozilla-ichnaea/node:latest bower list


In case the local environment gets into a weird or broken state, it can be cleaned up by running:

make clean

Of course one can also delete the entire git repository and start from a fresh checkout.

Release Build

The default make / make build target installs a local development version including database setup and testing tools. For a production environment or release pipeline one can instead use:

make release

This will not do any database setup and only install production dependencies. It will also create a virtualenv and install the ichnaea code itself via bin/python install, so that a copy will be installed into lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages/.

The step will also compile all py files to pyc files and remove any files from the tree which aren’t compatible with the active Python version (blocklist in the script). The removal step ensures that any build tools (for example rpmbuild / mock) that typically call compileall.compile_dir will work, without breaking on the incompatible files.